Jul 21, 2011


Heading to a couple of outdoor concerts this weekend, mainly channeling
this vibe. Jamie Bochert for Vogue Italia June 2011

Jul 19, 2011



I uttered a sizeable chuckle when I came across this detail shot from the studio of Oracle Fox, one of my daily reads. It's resemblance to my bedside table, below, is uncanny! Yes, yes, I'm fully aware that shiny woodland creatures and crystals are very much the zeitgeist and the placement is purely logical, but COME ON! With great minds like these, we should surely be bffs! The dried hydrangea is from my mothers garden - it looks good basically forever.


Some moodboards I made & clothes I pulled for the Festival Wild Child Shoot (below). The bottom left images are me trying to make a breast-plate using every necklace I own.
Click each image to enlarge.


I was styling a photoshoot the other week to advertise the iPhone app for our music festival, Oxegen. Snapping away some test shots to see JUST how much jewellery I can fit on a model before she passes out, I captured this dreamy, trippy shot which really embodies the festival wild-child look I was going for.

Of course, in the end, she had to hold a giant iPhone - but I'm still pleased as punch I managed to get in that Axl-Rose-referencing headscarf!

Vintage clip-on earrings. A recent find in Blackrock Market, my favourite place to find shiny things that I don't need, but love all the more for that very reason.


Sometimes I like to pop over to Stylelikeu and meet someone I've never met before. This is Kristin Gallegos, she's a make-up artist, and she has bangs to die for.

Jul 15, 2011

And a bag to go with that Kimono?
How am I supposed to stop thinking about this betassled, be-beaded beauty? Way to ruin my weekend - not cool ASOS Marketplace, not cool.


Okay Weberinos! It's been a while. More than a while. I had to take a brief hiatus to knuckle down to some serious work - there's been long hours, frayed nerves, dark circles under eyes, but I'M BACK! And what have I been thinking about in the meantime? RINGS, RINGS, RINGS! No change there. Big ones, bunches of little ones, all of them at the same time; stacked, choking every last drop of blood from your fingers. I have got to get me a set of those 5 simple bands that sit on each finger. Any idea where?