Feb 18, 2013


Okay I'm just going to go ahead and say it. I've been doing the Balenciaga matching-ring-on-every finger for over two years now. When I saw it on their Spring '13 catwalk I felt both validated and disgruntled in equal measure. 
Tired of having to try on all of the rings to find the right size for each finger, I devised this handy storage solution - a Muji pill box - a compartment for each 5 finger set depending on whether I want to go for thick bands or thin bands. You can rob that idea if you like, Balenciaga!

Feb 15, 2013


I've spoken about her before but New York stylist Marina Muñoz has the most charming style I will always return to. She has taken her mothers Argentinian Heritage and added to it classic vintage pieces, some designer for good measure, always topped off with the perfect hat.


What can I say - I'm a sucker for a classy leopard print! This tight-patterned version keeps popping up teamed with all black or grey marl tees, so when this bad boy was cut to half price in Mango I had to pounce. 
Fashion Me Now, They All Hate Us

Sep 14, 2012


The new era of the Floorlength coat is about to dawn and you need to get involved! I'll be resurrecting my 90's floorlength grey wool military coat, and having an inner battle on whether to buy this from Zara...

Top images from Stockholm Streetstyle

Aug 14, 2012


Ivania from Love Aesthetics makes such inspired and finely finished minimalist DIY accessories. She based these foiled leather clutches on a paper bag - they are genius!

Aug 4, 2012


Ever since seeing Bane's Coat in The Dark Knight Rises I've been trawling E-Bay for a sheepskin coat. So I loved reading costume designer Lindy Hemmings description of how it came to be...
“Because of my research for this character; he is a man who has travelled the world as a kind of mercenary. I was looking at two main areas, firstly his military surplus scavenging, which has gone into making up his entire wardrobe and breathing equipment; I fell in love with a very old, matted Swedish army sheepskin arctic wear coat with huge collar and lead weights as buttons, a great characterful garment. Secondly his idealistic, romantic, revolutionary aspirations, which was how Chris Nolan had explained an aspect of him; this lead me to think about the French Revolutionary style / military greatcoat look with ample collars. We also has a feeling that this garment could be a ‘sign/signal’ of the change for the mania in his behaviour of and his worsening destructive megalomania as he enters the football field. Obviously this combination of ideas in a garment did not exist so I decided to set about designing it and having it made in L.A. It was a very difficult project, and there were the issues of multiples, the non- matching aspects of sheepskins, and, for poor Tom Hardy as Bane, an extra hot, heavy horror, as he was already facing torture by face and mouth with the covering mask.” 


These Terry Richardson shots of Charlotte Free finally got the better of me, 
I took the plunge and dyed the ends of my hair pink. Mine is not quite as candyfloss-perfect as Charlottes, but hopefully it will fade in nicely. 

Jul 31, 2012


I have to admit to experiencing a near Jane-Austen-Style swoon upon coming across this jacket. Leopard print AND studded hardware? It's nearly too much! Probably renders the wearer a hug-free zone for the day.


Taking levels of Androgyny to a new cool high, Krystal Simpsons blog What Is Reality Anyway is a lesson in simplicity. For the love of Patti Smith, the girl wears Topman suits!

Jul 27, 2012


In a panicked search for the perfect canvas camouflage army jacket before the masses are toting them in their droves. I'll be wearing mine with the sleeves rolled up and layers of gold jewellery.